Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Una conversación muy extraña con Borracho Brooks

Today I recieved an email from John. Here's what it said:
hheeeyyy raven. I was wondering if it'd be possible to swing by later and pick up the remaining cake from your chante?
So I replied:
mi torta es tu torta. confieso, yo no tengo gusto chocolate.
To which I recieved:
hahaha. por que no? y por que you tengo chocolate at your house for soo long and no say nothing?
And so I sent:
eeee, no se. is probablemente porque una muchacha asked me to keep it there.
The converstaion then ended with:
aye es funny por que this muchacha and myself had a convo and she said that its probably todo seca ahora porque ella no put a cover on its most likely dry. i ella quire her plate as well. bien? no bien? what are you up to tonight? I dunno if i am going to go tomorrow bc i think that I will be picking up my car...hopefully anyway.
My 3rd grade spanish teacher (Senora Perez) would be proud!

Monday, July 17, 2006

Nurburgring Webcam

I just found a great new way to waste time!

It refreshes every minute. Here's a good one:

Also, this one looks just like New Mexico at night:

Heres a few more links that could be of interest:
Google Satelite Map
The Official Website
Wikipedia Entry

Friday, July 07, 2006

Symposium 2006: Highlighting Student and Postdoctoral Research

Every year I’m asked as an intern to participate in the Annual Student Symposium. I had a choice between a poster presentation or a technical talk. Unlike years past, this summer I’ve opted to go for the technical talk.

Upon submitting my registration I received a phone call. The caller informed me that he’d received my registration. He then told me:

“The objective of a technical talk is to communicate information to other scientists.”

I was also instructed that mumbling, monotone speech and use of obscure terminology are not effective methods of communication.

This brings up the question: Does this guy say this to every one? What the hell!

Further more now that mumbling and monotone speech are out I have no idea what I’m going to talk about. Any one got any good ideas?

Thursday, July 06, 2006

German Humor

The company that manufactures some of our electrical equipment is based out of Germany. After some repeat reliability issues and unacceptable service from the American based support team the company has sent in an “expert.” I’m a little confused as to why the American support team does not include any of these so called “experts.”

As such I spent most of today with a technician from Germany. He never mentioned his name and from the paper work it seems mostly unpronounceable, I’ve been calling him Expert (he seemed to like it). There was a lot of red tape that I had to cut though in order to get Expert into the facility – a process that could have been made easier in my opinion had any member of my team ever escorted a foreign nation into the building before. I can just see it, this is what all of them were thinking: “Just let that summer student figure it out, if he gets a security infraction it’ll matter less.”

Throughout the day I learned a bunch of cool stuff about Expert.
1. He speaks three forms of German – Regular conversational, formal written, and technical.
2. He has a daughter my age that is much better looking than any of the girls we ran into today.
3. His wife is over-weight, the diet pills don’t work for her.
4. His first car was a Renault (french - what the hell, wheres the german pride), now he drives a Passat TDi.
5. He becomes upset if a restaurant (Quizno’s) doesn’t serve beer.
6. He carries a book in his tool box entitled “German Humor” all pages of which are blank.

In the end he did not have the right tool with him to finish the job and it will have to be over-nighted from the American support company.

I was afraid to ask but I speculate that the reason he did not have the particular tool with him was because the required storage space was taken by the blank joke book.