Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Moving In

Slowly but surely Lisa and I are unpacking a few boxes everyday. Today I found the boxes that had the paintings/posters in it!

Also, I put the bed frame together, so now we're back off the floor.

Thursday, October 01, 2009

First Night in Ferndale

We moved to Ferndale. Last night was the first night at the new house.

Last Sunday I posted this picture on the local message board in an attempt to in list friends to help us move. It was quickly pointed out, that I was almost out of tape. As the picture suggests, I was already a few beers in and wasn't feeling a drive to Home Depot.

I figured I'd call for pizza delivery, sober up, and then make a tape run. Problem was it was 10:30, and the pizza places don't open till 11.

"Jimmy Johns is open, and does deliver" I thought!

JJ: "Thank you for calling Jimmie Johns, how can I help you?"
R: "Hey, what's up?"
JJ: "Not much, what can i get for you?"
R: "How 'bout a #12... Jalapeno chips, and an .... an ice tea."
JJ: "You got it, anything else?"
R: "well, this is this one thing... "
JJ: "what's that?"
R: "I appear to be low on packing tape, you see we're in the middle of moving."
JJ: "Sorry, sir we dont sell tape."
R: "You dont have any in back?"
JJ: "No, sorry sir."
R: "That's all right - it was a long snot."

So the delivery guy (chick) gets here and low and behold... she's got packing tape with her!!! I pay for the sandwich. I pay for the tape. I tip the lady. Score!