I’m in the market for a new car/truck. I have a few ideas what I would want, but no idea what I’ll end up with. I’ve narrowed the dilemma down to two reasons: 1) my good taste and 2) my bank account. No doubt I’m not the first person in the world to have this problem - the inventor(s) of the car loan have capitalized on people like me since the car existed. On the other hand there are people in this world who don’t have this problem, for example: the Chevrolet Cavalier, the Hyundai Elantra, and that new 4-door Jeep (yes, people actually buy these things).
My situation is a little different in that rather than having a need for a new vehicle, specifying spatial, powertrain, and cost requirements based on my needs and budget I’ve limited my self to a certain brand and have sorted through the various makes for the
lesser of the evils best GM has to offer.
[Insert segway here.]
So there I was at the Bravo Chevrolet dealership; after taking a good walk around the lot and not running into any sales people, I walked into the showroom. I spotted four of them standing around in a circle, chuckling to each other about what ever car sales men think is funny, upon approaching them one of the females politely asked me, “How can we help you?” and the following conversation followed:
Raven: “Yes, I’m interested in the new Silverado’s. I’d like to get some more information on the available options and possibly take a test drive if one of you has any free time.”
Friendly Sales Lady: “John will help you.”
John: “Silverado? I’ll go get a brochure, I’ll be right back.”
Raven: “Cool.”
I waited a good fifteen minutes for this John guy to return with said brochure. Upon his return the conversating continued.
John: “Here, you go. Is that it?”
Raven: “Well, I was hoping to also take a test drive if you…”
John (interrupting): “How old are you?”
Raven (thinking, that’s an easy question to answer): “twenty-five.”
John: “and you have a license?”
Raven: “uhhh, yeah.”
John: “I have a customer on the phone. I cant right now.”
Raven: “Well is there any one else that might be available?”
John: “All the Silverado’s are over there. Stand out there and someone will be with you shortly.”
I’m pretty gullible, and at this point I was still looking forward to getting a test drive. Ignoring that John had blatantly blew me off, I trotted back outside and had another look at the line up of pick-ups they had on hand. I must have stood out there for another fifteen minutes before realizing no one was going to be with me shortly. Like an idiot I headed back towards the showroom, thinking how much I liked the Blue Granite Metallic color of the only single cab 4x4 on the lot. John stood there smiling like the good sales man he was upon my return.
John: “May I help you?”
Raven (puzzeled):”I was, ummm, waiting for some to help me with a Silverado.”
John: “Oh yeah, the new Silverado’s sure are popular.”
Raven (wtf?): “So do you have time for a test drive then?”
John: “How old are you?”
This was about all I could take, I don’t regret what some how, right then, came out of my mouth.
Raven: “Old enough to know you don’t deserve my business after asking that question again!”
I stormed out, forever tainting the Silverado as a possible choice.
[I suck at segways today.]
I did get to drive a GMC Sierra at Sissbaro. I liked it a lot. The sales man I talked to was very helpful and even mentioned how willing they were to work with what ever employee discount I end up qualifying for. I liked the interior of the truck, the bucket seat bolsters felt tight and held me in unexpectedly well, the dash was well organized and I thought the ’07 gauge cluster to be a huge improvement over the previous model year. The truck rode nicely both on the high way and in the city and the 4.6 vortech V-8 (the smaller of V-8 options) had plenty of pick up. Honestly – if I can qualify for financing after the GM employee discount the GMC Sierra is my first choice.
[Last missing segway, I promise.]
After owning a pavement queen for the last 3 years part of me wants a vehicle to clown around off-road with. Certainly the aforementioned Sierra would be more than capable… but then for the same price I could have an H3.
Probably the only SUV on the road with a good-looking profile (Volkswagen Touareg aside) the Saturn Vue is certainly an option. Hell for less than $20k, a V6 AWD SUV sounds pretty fucking good.
Then there’s the option of not buying a new GM – but rather an old/used GM. If I went this route I’d go 1960’s Chevy C-10. I’d paint it a coal red and purposely keep a half rusted-half primered hood. If it didn’t come with a rusted hood, I’d let it soak in a bath of salt water until the desired effect was achieved. Going price for these things looks to be around $1200. It seems like a hell of a deal for an old pick up with lots of character that as every ad I’ve read so far clearly states: “Always starts.”
If I weren’t trying to fit in as a new GM employee and I wasn’t convinced that they search the employee names registered to the license plates of the non-GM vehicles parked out front of the office for their “first to go” lay-off list, I’d go non-GM. A new mkV GTI would be a dream come true and certainly could be affordable with financing. Equally affordable would be a mkIV R32, or a used A4. All of these cars would be a blast to drive in the snow or otherwise – hell I’ll say it, they’d be straight up
ballin’. Less affordable (ok, not affordable at all) would be a V-10 TDI Touareg or a 911 Carrera 4.
Advice, comments, insults, discussion and/or suggestions welcome.
edit: As cool as
this is (and i do think it's very cool) I couldnt justify a second quirky sports car as my only other mod of transpertation.