Sunday, June 29, 2008

Victim of Paparazzi

The Paparazzi was waiting in the driveway when Lisa came home from work today. I've presented the photos in the order in which they were taken so that you can see the emotional progression.



Oh, you can see the turning point here... I caught her rolling her eyes.

Yikes, I think she wants me to stop now.

No chance.

... and getting out of the car.

Thursday, June 19, 2008


Lisa and I need to work out a better laundry method. Our problem lies in the fact that we both use the floor as a closet/hamper, and after about a month it's near impossible to ascertain the clean stuff from the dirty stuff. The only give away of cleanliness is smell (ummm, smells ok to me), and wrinkled (normally the more wrinkled it is the more likely it is to be fresh out of the wash).

Last night I figured, what the hell I'll give it a go at sorting some of the mess. What you see in the photo above is the partial result of 5 hours of folding and ironing.

I was trying to think of a good life lesson here... all I can really come up with is: nobody likes doing laundry, and people that say they do are lying.

Monday, June 16, 2008

The Bane of My Existence

The only thing keeping the Corrado from being a reliable every day driver are cooling system issues. Since it's been back on the road:

1. The cooling fan motor only works on low speed and wont turn on automatically.
2. The lower radiator hose popped off driving down the high way and dropped ~4 liters of fresh G12 coolant on I75.
3. Lower reservoir hose leaks (drip drop) from a razor line sized cut. I've noticed these cuts on the upper radiator hose as well and suspect them to be a manufactures defect.

As luck does have it, every time I've droped liters of coolant I've been somewhere close to help. Here we are at Johnny B's house duct taping the lower resevoir hose.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

ZOMG, It runs - and how!

Made it to the show on June 6th and I've been sorting little issues though out the week. Let me tell you, this thing moves!