Tuesday, July 19, 2005


I got a call today from one of the lobby telephones. I couldn’t quite make out the voice on the other line, it was a man’s voice, and he was mumbling. A note to all you mumblers: STOP IT, we can’t understand you. The conversation was humorous however, I had to laugh to my self while exercising restraint and not calling the guy Mumbles, a known mob informant from the hit series Dick Tracy. The conversation went something like this:

Me: Hello, this is Raven.
Mumbles: yeahhlo thisisjerryachuleta I’ma nedya toeskortmein.
Me: What?
Mumbles: thisis jerryachuletafrom contractghfyterysusuidhkfjhf I have a blahblhablhabla blah for Douglas, Ima nedya to escort me in.

At this point I had deduced that the callers name was Jerry Archuleta, he had something for Douglas, and he needed me to escort him in to somewhere. Who he represented or what that something was had yet to be determined, and so the phone conversation continued…

Me: What?
Mumbles: I hava treedurcabnetshelf for dalivryto Douglas. Leonard tldmetocontact youtoeskortmein.
Me: Leonard told you what?

Mumbles was getting a little upset with me now and began to raise his voice. I did notice that as he became more upset he was easier to understand as he tended to put more emphasis on key words. With the benefit of hindsight I probably should have tried to concentrate more on what he was saying instead of thinking about how much he sounded like Mumbles.

Mumbles: INEedYOuToEscortmein fordeliverayofa TreedofhghtgFileCABinet for a Douglas.
Me: Oh! And you need me to escort you in? Where are you now?

Douglas, right, he means Doug, my boss. It was then that I remembered Doug telling me he wanted me to help him out by taking delivery of a three drawer filing cabinet if he wasn’t around. Now I was on the same page and ready to help.

Mumbles: outsideda lobby.
Me: Oh! Oh, ok, I’ll be right there.

That’s the interesting bit. "Delivery" ensued afterward as I escorted him in and we dropped the cabinet off in Doug’s office. Upon seeing the Cabinet Doug later expressed his satisfaction.

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