On the drive back to Santa Fe the idle tensioner pulley on the Corrado seized. The resulted in the serpentine belt melting the plastic pulley and leaving nothing but the seized metal bearing to keep the alternator and water pump working. It held on just long enough to make it to the brewpub in Socorro. I spent the night (drunk) with Mac and Phil and then had the car toed up to Santa Fe in the morning.
The rest of December brought along a lot of interesting opportunities at LANL. I ended up working on a problem that required conducting various cooling load calculations and noise monitoring – something I’d never done before, so the whole month I spent back at work proved to be a great learning experience. Hopefully based on my recommendations the necessary improvements can be made in order to reduce the various noise levels associated with the problem.
Christmas rocked. I’m now the proud owner of a bunch of stuff I’d always kind of wanted but never got around to affording. It’s all super practical and I’m sure I’ll get a lot of mileage out of most of it. Some of the material highlights include a Patagonia fleece that I’ve worn almost everyday since, a SS coffee thermos, some new games (Rumis, and Apples to Apples)… I’m forgetting things I know it – this is what I get for waiting a month to write about all this.
For New Years a group of us went to Wolf Creek for a totally boss ski trip. After a season of almost no snow we got hammered the night before with well over a foot of fresh powder. It made for a great day on the slopes.
For my birthday my Dad took the ‘rado in to get all the little odds and ends fixed. It was a great, although expensive, gift. From what I remember Diego at Konstruct replaced the passenger side window regulator, water pump, fixed the motorized rear spoiler, changed the oil, and replaced the idle tensioner I was borrowing from his Jetta with a new one.
The time the car spent at the shop delayed my planed return to Las Cruces by a few days and I missed some of the birthday plans I had with Chelsie. Classes are currently underway… I’m taking 18hrs this time around with two extra math classes so that I can pick up a math minor with my degree in May.
That’s all for now, stay tuned for what I expect to be a whole lot more dependable and frequent posting.
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