what's that? You've never heard of it? Dude, where were you in 1994?
The movie was modeled after all the protests that happen on campuses all over the country. Typical university students in the past and present are mostly if not actively liberal planet saving hippies. If you keep up with campus current events there's typically a protest for animal rights, or energy conservation, or within the last 5 years anti-bush demonstrations.
That said at NMSU you cant swing a dead cat in the parking lot with out hitting either a "Viva Bush" or a "Sportsmen for Bush" bumper sticker.
Today I saw something written in chalk on the side walk. It read, "Love thy neighbor, support gay rights."
Ok you say, cool, I didn't even know we had a gay community here, but what ever, I'm not into it but cool - not here at [sarcasm]good ol'[/sarcasm] NMSU. It had been crossed out with a new message that reads "God Hates Fags! aggiesforchrist.com"
Goes to show that Christians only love their neighbor if their neighbor is also Christian. Ugh, I just don't know what else to say - I'm a little angry right now... I need a beer.
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