First coat of filler primer, notice those sexy flared fenders. Sick.

Leif and Jack, tag teaming the rabbit into submission using a sealer/surfacer. "No Runs, No Runs, No Runs... Focus!"

Thats right folks, that can says "Imola Yellow" as found on the S4, RS4, and 20th AE GTI.

This was our view from the outside of the booth.

I snuck in and snapped a quick pic while the rear was still gray.

After four thick coats (~2 qt) of yellow, on goes the clear. The clear coat was hard to spray because it was almost nearly impossible to spot where we had been even a second ago.

This is a good action shot. There's actually clear comming out of that gun. See what I mean.

Looking over the finished product.

I like my rear hatch like I like a good Simpsons' caracter, bald and yellow!

Leif cleaning up, not looking very healthy and deffinatly a few brain cells less than when we started. Next time we're getting a full paint suite and the expensive resperators.

It still needs to be color sanded and buffed, but god damn it looks good already.

I'd eat soup of of that, that's right I said soup.

One last shot of the car before it getts color sanded and buffed.

More updates to come as the car gets put back together this comming weekend. I'll have lots of pics of the rear badging as well as the install of the rear spacers and the new wheels. Also a shot of the entier car! There's talk about driving up to the ski area for a photo shoot Sunday followed by a BBQ at our parents house for everyone that lent a hand on the car.
Nice work....but poor Leif being subjected to all those fumes. Hopefully they didn't affect you work spraying the car. I'll be looking for pics of the finished product.
yea about that where are those pics. come on hippy get on the ball.
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