Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Semester Beer Fund

So this morning I received an email from my brother. For the full effect I've included it below in its original form:

Dude, Leif, I'm speechless.


Anonymous said...

you said it brother drink one for me!

Raven said...

so danny represents the bang bus and mike has the same last name as facial skin care products and his own blog.... whats up guys, what are you trying to do here? what's the agenda?

milkman said...

The spambots have been rockin' the bangbus hard over on my site, too.

I've got Movable Type configured to take any comments with "bangbus" anywhere in the body, name, email address, or webpage and dump it straight into the junk bin. Homie don't play 'dat.

Anonymous said...

stop cock blocking us are just adding gas to the fire.

Anonymous said...

dude I was thinking about what if makeing beer is cheeper than buying it all year, I guess I might as well do the math.
$180=5 gallons home brew(starting from scrach buying off the internet)
5gal=53 cans of beer (10.7 per gallon)
the refill hopps for the kit causts $17
so after the initial invertment every 5 galens causts $17
and includeing the initional investment
for 300 beers
which comes to a total of 248
which is a grand total of 22 dollers saveings to you.
Plus your not drinking coors light!


Raven said...

The only reason why I let this one by is because I thought it was freackin' halarious....

" stop cock blocking us are just adding gas to the fire."

Damn, that's pretty good.