Sunday, September 17, 2006


In the past I’ve posted about going turbo with the Corrado. So this time… I’m serious!

On Friday afternoon I called up Kinetic Motorsport and ordered Stage1.

The various boxes of goodies should start showing up from Canada late next week (or so). I’m pretty extremely excited.

Edit: This morning when I woke up I went out to the car, sat behind the wheel in the parking lot and just thought about what an extra 100 hp is going to feel like.


milkman said...

Way tight, dude. It's not the kind of thing I'd do, but I'm glad there are other folks (like you) to pull it off :)

milkman said...

P.S. I expect a full write-up (with pictures!) of whatever you do to this car!

Raven said...

well yeah... that goes with out saying.

milkman said...

Does that extra 100hp feel like 25 or 30 Benny Franklins?

Raven said...

It feels like 45 bennys - but it only cost 26. I try not to focus on the monetary cost of my decission to make the purchase.

milkman said...

No need to focus--the money is already gone!

So does this kit come with an ultra-annoying exhaust and BOV?

Raven said...

I'll use my existing 2.5 exhaust. I dont know the specs on the BOV - but if it doesnt sound like your talon did when you were venting to the atmosphere I'll be sure to replace it with one that does.

milkman said...

Oh man, that was the most misfire-laden week ever.

I recommend you tape a kazoo to the BOV.