Turbo Install
I've been hesitant to post up about this mostly because I don’t have any pictures of it yet. But it's done, its running - its boosting - it's quick. Basically it is the same car till about 3k rpm, the turbo kicks in like a ton of bricks and the tach races to redline. Under boost it sounds like a lion, then the measly 6psi of intake pressure blows off with the sound of a small mouse pissing in a puddle.
The install was straight forward as can be. We (Cisco and I) got started at ~5pm on Friday afternoon and worked through the night to make the inogeral test drive at ~8am on Saturday.
So far no leaks, no surging, no problems.
They say grad school isnt for everyone. I dont see why, it's not so bad. It's a good chance I might get straight A's (for the first time in my life), I'm making bank as a TA, and I'm not stressed at all.
Favorite class so far is ME 570 (Analysis I) - not sure why though. Actually now that I think about my favorite class being Fouier Series and Eigan value problems I'm starting to worry about myself as a human being. Can I have my soul back now?
This Weekend
I'm going home to Santa Fe this weekend for two main reasons. One, bring Muffin home. Two, attend a "Cigar and Car Bomb, Cape Party." If you're not in the know on either of those two points dont fell bad - I'm not even sure why or what I'm doing on the subject(s).
It'll be the first time driving the Corrado on a long trip since the install. Also, the first chance that I might have to tell my parents that there's a turbo in my car now (I'm not of the impression that they'll understand why I would do such a thing).

Planning to be back for the Aggie Football game on Sunday. Might join the body painters. As seen at the last home game, pictured right.
Edit: It was cold as fuck.

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