There’s more than one way to skin a cat. There’s always another side to any story. The grass is greener on the other side. Star fish have no brains. Don’t operate heavy machinery after use. Here now is the story(s) about how I became Mike Fox Volkswagens new best customer.
Life is too Short for This Shit (part 1 of 3)After some previous trouble the day before my car broke down in front of a Volkswagen dealership. I didn’t pay to have it towed. I left it to get fixed at the dealership. I did not call a taxi or accept their offer for the free shuttle. I bought a new car. I drove it home. I am Mike Fox Volkswagens new best customer.
A Day in the Life (part 2 of 3)I was driving through Road Kill Country yesterday when the Corrado broke down for the first time. The car lost all power and I pulled off the highway when I came to a stop on the shoulder. I thought nothing of it at first. No big deal I said to my self, just a boost tube come undone. Inspection yielded the opposite, it wasn’t a boost tube come undone. Weird, I thought. Next I thought I’d try to start the car. Vroom, it said, starting right away. That was a relief.
Skeptical and mindful of what had just happened I proceeded through RKC, dodging venison and also minding the thickly wooded shoulder for suicidal Bambi.
Ninety-nine-point-six miles from home the car died for the second time; same symptoms. Once again, it wasn’t just a silicone coupling and hose clamp kind of fix. This time the car refused to start, and I thought, fuck even if I do get this thing started what’s to say it wont die again, and what’s to say it wont happen in a more formidable neighborhood. A quick call to Triple-A and the car was on the back of a flat bed - well within the allotted one-hundred-mile free towing coverage that my membership affords.
When we got home and parked safely back in the garage, I had the awesome suspicion that that it would start. Sure enough, no problems. How frustrating indeed. This morning it even made it to work, no problems.
This afternoon I knew I was going to have problems getting anywhere on this all time record braking high ninety-eight-degree day. Regardless, despite my better judgment I ventured a few extra miles from home to Mike Fox Volkswagen, located less than three city blocks from VWoA headquarters.
In the median, about to make a left hand turn into the dealership, the car died. I tried a few things to get it to start, including but not limited to popping the hood and using numerous variations of the word Fuck. Seriously, Fuck!
I walked into the dealership dripping in sweat and explained to the guy at the front desk that, “My Volkswagen is broke down in the median right outside!” Never before has a dealership reacted so quickly to my requests. They had a guy in the shuttle car (a Eurovan) with a tow strap out there in seconds. Once again safe, the Corrado found itself in the garage of Mike Fox Volkswagen. I explained that it was most likely the fuel pump or the fuel pump relay; they concurred and agreed to take a look at it. I got an offer for a ride home from a tech, just ending his shift that I’d met at Motorstad. I declined and, now at my destination, I proceeded to conduct business as was the original intent. I said to my self, “Self, I think we should still look into a new Rabbit.”
I wanted a 5-speed, 2-door, silver Rabbit. I was sold on a 4-door silver Rabbit. I went for the 4-door mostly because of the side molding – like the GTI the side molding on the 4-door model is body colored, not black textured plastic. Also it turns out that the four door is more aptly equipped with such creature comforts as heated/power seats and an mp3/CD player. We went on a test drive and I was sold.
We then sat down and talked over financing and monthly payment options. I gave the go ahead, “lets do it,” I said. And the next thing I knew I was waiting while my new Rabbit was detailed and topped off with petrol. I am Mike Fox Volkswagens new best customer.
There is No God, Only Corrado (part 3 of 3)It was a normal day for him, his short tracked mind was racing, he could have every thought in his mind all at once, his upgraded electronics saw to that. “I’m tiered. I’m thirsty. Ouch, a bug – right in my headlight. What is up with this cheap 91 octane, why cant I have 93? Can we please pass this mini van now? Stupid old people – can’t drive. This high way is boring? When do we get to the twisties? How about a top speed run? My wheels hurt. Let’s race this Audi!”
He’d been getting great gas mileage the entire way back, he was proud that he was not like the other cars on the road. “Thirty-six em-pee-gee’s bitches” he said as he passed a slow moving group of cars. It was then that he got to thinking, he was tiered of his state of disrepair. “I’m the coolest car on the road, and I’m not going anywhere until my windows get fixed”, he said, cutting out the power.
Now on the side of the road, he observed his best friend and compatriot frantically fumbling with a screw driver, attempting to fix a non-existent boost leak. “Bless his heart, but that guy sure is dumb if he’d just fix my windows already I wouldn’t have to resort to this.” The Corrado was rivaling is the success of his protest when the man started to beg, “Please Corrado, we’re so far away from home, it’ll cost a fortune to get a tow from all the way out here.”
The Corrado thought about it for a while, he came to the conclusion that money spent on a tow truck would be money that could go to repairing his windows. And so he decided that it would be alright if they continued, but only if his windows were fixed.
After a long conversation with a dragon fly that had become pinned to his front license plate Corrado decided he deserved better. The dragon fly got to fly free any time he wanted, the dragon fly got to race other dragon flies across the lake any time he wanted, the dragon fly was living a better life than he was. “I want my windows fixed, and a new fuel pump!” He said out loud as he once again cut power in his engine, just as they became within one-hundred miles of their new home. This time he was not going to budge. “Call Triple-A, I’m not going another inch tonight.”
The next morning Raven came into his garage, he was dressed for work and began to explain how important it was for him to make it to work. “Alright, I’ll let you have this one, you probably do need to go to work, we’ll get you there” he said. “But don’t forget; the windows and a new fuel pump.”
During the day, parked outside in the hot sun in a field of crazy Americans and an obnoxious Korean mini van who thought it was funny to sound her alarm every 10 minutes, the Corrado decided he wanted a girl friend, “a nice German girl maybe, someone he could relate to.” So when Raven came out after work, instead of taking him home he darted straight to the nearest Volkswagen lot he didn’t need a map – he just followed his instinct.
As the two neared the lot he formulated a plan to insure he got his way. Once again, just as they were sitting in the median, about to make a left turn into the Volkswagen lot, he killed power to the engine and sat there – refusing to go anywhere until he had his windows fixed, a new fuel pump, and a nice German girl.
The Corrado got what he wanted (she’s a sexy beast) and I am Mike Fox Volkswagens new best customer.