Here is actual surveillance footage:
A close up reveals the face of the intruder - a known criminal, a penguin thought to go by the name "Perry."
Authorities wasted no time apprehending the intruder. The SWAT team was deployed and the suspect was quickly detained.

Police ask that any persons having information with regard to trespassing penguins or those able to further identify the suspect to please come forward.
Thank you - that is all.
SAWT Team? They dun did sawt that dang penguin so they apper-hended the perp.
good call dude you got to stay on those pinguin infastations.... I hurd it gets really bad arround those parts, Oh The Horror cute Flightless birds everywhere what are we to do... oh right yea word call the S.W.A.T. team. or shit man maby the -SFBI-
That sir, is hilarious.
You have too much time on your hands.
I'm jealous.
That is a lie, "I" have too much time on my hands.
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