Bart & Lisa: Meh.
Homer: But the TV. gave the impression that--
Bart: We said "meh".
Lisa: M-E-H. Meh.
Meh, so the pants party didn’t work out so well. Despite the unsurpassed participation of the few attendees (everyone was wearing their pants) I feel like the party was a failure. Here’s how it went down:
2:05pm, I received a call from Emily, actually it was more like a series of text messages but for the sake of simplicity lets say it was a phone call, the gist of it was: let’s do something tonight. Cool, lets have a pants party, we’ll invite everyone, 9pm my place, tell them to bring “the party in their pants", beer and games. Awesome.
7:24pm, after sending out lots of invites and even receiving a number of confirmed attendances I received a call from Emily – she wasn’t going to make it.
7:26pm, fuck. Umm, ok… well all these other people I called might show up anyway, it would be cool to have a party, no point in calling it off. Right?
9:30pm, no ones here yet. Hum.
9:35pm, thought I heard a females voice outside laughing. Got excited that people were showing up – nothing.
9:48pm, checked my watch again between video games. Where is every body?
10:35pm, sent text message to Rob. “what’s happening?”
10:36pm, received reply via text message from Rob. Rob’s in El Paso he’s not going to make it.
10:38pm, Miles and Jaime show up. We joke about how I’m a failure at throwing parties, have a beer and play video games for a while.
12:05am, having speculated that this party had defiantly not happened and no one else was coming the three of us wild and pants wearing guys drive to Taco Bell. We purchase a Grande Meal at the drive through and head back to my place to throw a munch.
12:45am, Miles and Jaime leave. Pants party over.
1:00am, started feeling like I’ve forgotten how to throw a party. I remember being really good at it. People used to come in droves – you couldn’t beat them a way with a stick.
1:23am, submit blog article. Gah – I’m such a looser.
I heard about the "pants party" the from afformentioned "Emily." The "Pants Party" took place, but it took place downtown where half of the girls were not wearing pants - we were wearing dresses. Ok, so it wasn't a Pants Party, it was just a lot of people drinking. If you want to see what an awesome "Pants Party" would look like (and give you inspiration should you ever try it again), I think I have an album of one we had a couple years ago on my facebook. Ok, this is turning into a novel.
P.S. Why did I not hear about this party from you?
Are you trying to organize opposition to my No-Pants political party? Seriously man, it's on.
If I remember correctly, the trick to a good party was owning a cheap-ass trailer near the freeway with no heat and mostly stolen posesssions. Note: this theory is proven in Socorro and not recommended for Detroit.
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