Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Pissing Into the Wind

Sunday, while rock crawling on A mountain, against my own better judgment, I attempted to pee with (not into) the wind. I positioned my self so that my back was directly facing the wind force, lowered my pants and let ‘er rip. Everything was working just fine until the wind changed directions.

I whipped around quickly, trying to repossition my back into the wind again; I was doing all right until the wind went all swirly on me. What a fucking time to brake the seal I thought to my self, as piss sprinkled all over the front of my shorts – I should have waited – I could have fucking waited – why didn’t I fucking wait. At this point I realized I was facing the group of friends I was with, I felt like I should turn the other way, yet I knew there was no other way.

“Where is all this urine coming from?” I thought to my self as I now consciously faced the Jeep. Fuck, this wind sucks.

That is the last time I’ll ever think it possible to pee into the wind. I am not smarter than the wind.


Jessica Lynn said...

Ha. If wind could laugh...I bet it was pissing up a storm. (Pun intended!!!)

Justin Short said...

So, Brandon saw your junk? No good dude. No good at all. Good thing you are moving halfway across the country in a few months.

milkman said...

Um, gross?

roberto said...

Honestly where you PISSED OFF??