Sunday, May 06, 2007

Worms Attack!

I Downloaded the Worms arcade game for the xBox 360 yesterday. The jist of the game is, small cute worms use big guns/explosives to kill other worms. Winning involes as much stratigery and skill as it does dumb luck. Also as far as I can tell, when the little guys do talk they speak a high-pitched mix of German/Italian. It's a total riot!


milkman said...

You've played the original PC-based version of Worms, right? I noticed this popped up on the Xbox Live Marketplace but held out because I wasn't completely confident the gameplay would be quite as good...although I have no idea why I would think that. The controls aren't exactly, you know, complicated.

Oh, and I was out of points at the time.

Raven said...

I havent played to origonal, no. But seriously Dan - the 360 version is good, although the weapons seem limited, that or I havent unlocked them. There's no chemical WMD's or holy hand granades.