Representing the Detroit Corrado Club (DCC) I made it out to Chicago's CVO Treffen car show this weekend. I don't regret going by any means, but I have to say over all the show sucked. It's not easy for me to say that because thinking back I cant help but think about all the good times I had over the weekend and everything that went well, and yet as I sit here and recollect about the show I'm not sure I'd return next year.
Like I say, there were a lot of good times and rather than document the sour points I'm going to try to point out my favorite parts.
Saturday We met up with some other Corrado friends and spent the night in down town Chicago. We took the train in, and then walked amongst the skyscrapers - I love the energy you get from walking between the buildings. We had some great Chicago style pizza and a couple local beers and then hopped over to Millennium Park to check out the Bean. I especial enjoyed getting to hang out with Stevo, Micah, Ben and Janee it was great catch up with them and it made me realize how much they have become such very good friends over a relatively short period of time.
The day of the show I found my self admiring only a select couple of cars, two of which being Stevo and Ben's, also among my list of jaw droppers was a beautiful orange mk1 Rabbit, the sherry red wide body Corrado, and a mk2 GLI painted NB coal red. Other than that nothing really stood out as a finished car and I found myself searching engine bays for fresh ideas. One stands out particularly - a 24v mk4 Jetta
with logo etched polished aluminum grafted into an otherwise standard beauty cover.
I got a chance to chat up some other Corrado owners. I met a guy by the name of Igor with 10k miles on essentially the same turbo set up as I have on my car - the only other difference being a methanol injection set up... as if I wasn't already convinced of its ability to smooth out the boost this guy confirmed it. This will definitely be my next mod. I finally got to meet Nick (ntonar), the guy that referred me to MIVE, so that was cool.
On the drive home we had a nice Corrado caravan going, followed by the "DCC Support Team" (Matt and Kelsie in my Rabbit, loaded with tools and supplies). True to DCC form we terrorized the toll booths with raging blow off valves and breakneck acceleration back up to speed. I have to say, if you're going to be a sandwich a black Corrado sandwich is the only way to go.
Psshhh "with logo etched polished aluminum grafted into an otherwise standard beauty cover" I have a mk4 Jetta too!
Can you hint at what went wrong, other than the lack of inspiring cars?
hey stranger!!! chicago eh? saw your pretty girl, hope you're well.
If you run into Lutz at the track, let him know that Cummins builds a hell of an engine. He might want to keep that in mind when he owns Chrysler too.
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