I bought a new mountain bike. I'm particularly excited about this because I've been with out a bike for 4 years, and from what I remember of mountain biking - it used to be a lot of fun. It's an '08
Gary Fisher Cobia 29er with a few upgraded components. It came Fed Ex in this really big box (i guess now that i think about it, there's no way it wouldn't have come in a big box) completely disassembled.

I've always enjoyed things that start as a pile of parts. In fact, when I was in 5th grade we were given a choice between choir or band. I remember making a conscious decision to go for band - not wanting to be one of those pansy ass choir boys. They piled us in to this back room where we were made to choose which instrument we wanted to play. I maintain that the reason why I chose the clarinet was because it came apart into several small pieces (unlike some stupid trumpet or saxophone where only the mouth piece was removable). Maybe this is also the reason I like puzzles so much.

The majority of the assembly time was taken up removing the bubble wrap from each and every tube of the frame, wheels, shifter and brake components.
The frame it self was crazy light weight, the entire package weight only being 38lbs. Mountain bikes have come a long way since my last bike. The extra large 21in frame is all aluminum with a bunch of small gussets at the seat post, the chain stay ends, and the brake caliper brakets. Also, some carbon fiber in the head post.

Conventional mountain bikes have 26 inch wheels. The key feature to this bike are the oversized 29 inch diameter wheels. From what I read its the monster truck of mountain bikes, the larger wheels allow one to travel with more momentum, decrease the angle of attack over bumps, and take turrns harder and faster. The only disadvantage beeing slower acceleration off the line, but I'd imagine the low mountain bike gearing would make up for this.

Sunday we had a heat wave here in Michigan, the balmey high of 40*F was just what we needed to dry up the salted snow melt from the roads. I took the opertunity to take the new bike out on a test drive. I've never ridden a bike with disk brakes before and the first time i used them I nearly fell over the handle bars. Awesome.
So here it is fully assembeled, back inside taking up space in the living room till spring time. Some time before which I'd like to pick up a decent shoe/peddle combo and a front fork with suspension.
How long until you fall into a ravine? It usually only takes me a few weeks of bike riding before that happens.
fall into a ravine? seriously?
I'd go for a seat with a little mor coushin, especially until you get some shocks.
a monster 7' travel front fork might be nice..... hey buddy some of use like the simple 2 part instruments! That way I cant get to confused... well maybe sometimes.
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