Friday, February 06, 2009

Twenty Five Random Things

Lisa is a sucker for chain letters. She tagged me on some facebook thing where you list 25 random things about your self and then rope 25 other victims into doing the same. I refuse to continue the epidemic of the chain letter but figured I'd indulge in a response just for Lisa's sake.

1. I have two middle names. Fuck you if you don't know what they are.

2. My brother Leif is much more exciting than I am, even though I'm older, better looking, and more successful.

3. Growing up Leif hit me on the top of the head with a large rubber mallet, I haven't been the same since.

4. I love beer.

5. Most times at work I have no idea what I'm talking about.

6. I used to play soccer in high school and run track but I was never any good at it.

7. I was born in Mesa Arizona, but I used to pick up girls at the bar by telling them I was from Belgium.

8. I suck at math.

9. Sometimes I have to flush the toilet 3 times after taking a dump before it begins flushing normal again.

10. My favorite food in the whole world is cream cheese, this infatuation started in Socorro when you could order a turkey sandwich with alfalfa spouts and cream cheese. Before then it was just something that made bagels taste better.

11. I wish I could ski for a living.

12. I dislike talking on the phone.

13. I miss the south west and would like to move back someday.

14. In high school I never did any homework.

15. I like getting lost in a new city.

16. I like my coffee black, with tequila in it.

17. Eggs? Sunny side up.

18. I hate onions.

19. I love going to art galleries and museums, they inspire me to be more creative and to be happy.

20. Some times I worry about hitting my head on ceiling fans.

21. I want to build my own house someday, I like building things my self.

22. I don't read enough books.

23. I love the internet, and sometimes lie awake at night worrying about what it would be like with out it.

24. I think one of the best inventions in the world is the ballooned neck on sparkling water bottles that prevent the water from fizzing out of the bottle when you first open it.

25. I like sitting at home and doing nothing.


Lisa said...
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Lisa said...

That's a little too much detailed information. What about favorite food: green chili? You barely eat cream cheese.

Unknown said...

heeee yea I fucked you up with that hammer.

Anonymous said...

Yeah... I resisted responding to being "tagged" on FB, but since I'm too lazy to go through the effort of finding another way of replying, I went ahead and did it anyway.

DCC coffee FTW!


Lisa said...

This makes me laugh. I noticed zero entries in 2011! Such a slacker!