Tuesday, April 14, 2009

numbers 0 through 9

I was filling out a personally intrusive health questionnaire for a new dentist I've been recommended to. Typically on most of these things you can just answer with N/A because even if you do have jondus, what does that have to do with flossing. This particular list of questions was odd because they were all worded kinda funny, like - "Do you or have you ever had tooth pain and how often?" Ummmm.... N/A?

One of the easier questions was: "What number of beverages containing alcohol do you consume per week?"

Well, as a matter of fact, this one contains numbers 0 through 9.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009


I think I just found yet another way to bring the humor of the internet into everyday life. Props to the artist of the biting pearUrsula Vernon for with out her none of this would be possible.