I was filling out a personally intrusive health questionnaire for a new dentist I've been recommended to. Typically on most of these things you can just answer with N/A because even if you do have jondus, what does that have to do with flossing. This particular list of questions was odd because they were all worded kinda funny, like - "Do you or have you ever had tooth pain and how often?" Ummmm.... N/A?

One of the easier questions was: "What number of beverages containing alcohol do you consume per week?"
Well, as a matter of fact, this one contains numbers 0 through 9.
"This answer box is insufficiently wide to accept the total number of alcoholic beverages I consume each week."
That's a pretty good answer.
Do your number ice cubes fit inside your ice shot glasses?
You're dangerously approaching a month without blogging.
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