Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Number 6 is Blue

Synesthesia is a neuralgic condition where numbers and/or letters are associated with colors or sounds. How fantastic would that be? One would almost have to become an artist for the sole fact that they would owe it to the rest of us to show us the beauty they see everyday. Word on the street is Jimmy Hendrix had this gift.

Check out this article, Hearing Colors: The Unusual World of Synesthesia, By: Kathryn Williams
When Carol Steen, now in her sixties, was a girl growing up in Detroit, she used to walk home from elementary school with a friend. One day, perhaps after a lesson in spelling or an exercise in handwriting, seven-year-old Steen asked her classmate, “Isn’t the letter ‘A’ the prettiest pink?” Her classmate, in the way only kids can, wrinkled her nose and pronounced Steen “weird.” [continue reading here]

1 comment:

milkman said...

Oliver Sacks has written some fascinating stuff on similar psychological conditions. Anthropologist on Mars is particularly good stuff.