Friday, July 08, 2005

What Would Dan Do

Some time around noon yesterday I decided to commit myself to publishing more than one entry a month and in contemplating a topic for today I have decided to talk about why I started this damn blog in the first place.

It all started when my good friend, and I’d defiantly call him a good friend, Dan (the milkman) started one. To this day I really like visiting it just to see what he’s been up to. His posts are most often informative in a way that they don’t talk about what he had for lunch or how his day went but rater present some sort of issue followed by smart ass remarks that either belittle the issue or blow it out of proportion. I doubt he’ll ever read this so I think its safe to say, sometimes they’re even funny.

One day Justin and I were sitting around talking about, reading about, the mischief Dan’s cat got into involving a role of toilet paper and we joked about how it would be funny if I also started a blog of sorts that mimicked Dan’s posts while making fun of them. It stemmed from the concept of my pet turtle pictured in the bathroom aside a shredded role of TP with a guilty look on his face.

I may still do this at some point in time but I doubt it will be of the order of magnitude that was originally discussed. Stay tuned.

... for referance

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
