Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Letter in the RS

If you get a subscription to Rolling Stone Magazine you may or may not have already seen it in the June 2008 issue. My dad - an avid reader of the magazine got a letter published, heighlighted here to the right.

The letter reads: "So glad to see Zappa Plays Zappa recognized in RS's Best of Bock. I took my son to see this concert last fall and was able to tell him it was as good as any Frank I ever saw."

This proceeds an article in the May issue of RS about ZPZ, and further so a letter he wrote to the mag (as discussed here) about ZPZ.

What can I say, he loves his Zappa.


milkman said...

Yeah dude, your dad is all about the Zappa. Rockin'.

Phil said...

Indeed. Very Cool.

Jessica Lynn said...

Dude! That's really cool :) Laura—do you remember Laura?— well, her ex boyfriend wrote a letter to Playboy once asking them why she broke up with her and they published it, so we joke around that Laura was in Playboy.