2. Rear Left Side Above the Pocket: This is possible the most mysterious location for re-occurring holes. My only speculation as to why I get holes here are my slouched seating habits – I tend to sit more on my tailbone than on my butt. I currently have two pairs of pants

3. Rear Right Pocket: I always put my wallet in this pocket, and as a result of the number of maxed out credit cards I carry my wallet can be a little bulky sometimes. This is a pretty big problem because I don’t really feel comfortable wearing my wallet in another pocket and if the hole get to big I could potentially loose my wallet (and God forbid any one should try to use those credit cards – think of over draft fees!). I currently have two pairs in standard wear rotation with a hole in the back pocket, at this point however only one of them is large enough to loose a wallet.
4. Rear Heel Cuff: I used to think this looked cool and remember taking a file to a new pair of pants back in high school to simulate these types of holes. Now days however I need only wait a number of weeks for these things to start showing up. Currently almost all of my pants have damage in this area. The only time I really mind when damage happens to pants here is on my “dress” pants.
You should also be careful of any holes caused by, you know, explosive flatulence.
Speaking of that I've been meaning to do an article on vegitarianism and those explosions.
Keep an eye out for the asparagus, if you know what I mean.
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