Today a lady at work asked me if a went running this morning, Normally when asked this question I would say, "no" or "nope", I might even add a little "pffft, running?". Today I said, "yeah". This of course being a lie. I said yes because I thought it would end the conversation sooner, you see this lady at work is into fitness so by me saying yes she would be cool with it, the conversation would be over and I could continue cruising the Internet. If I said no I'd have to get into why I didn't run this morning and when was the last time I ran, and when am I going to run next. Whats more had i said no i would have shattered her confidence in me to have exercised - the world doesn't need this.
Two things stemmed from this conversation. Firstly it didn't go at all as planed, the conversation went on for ever (the problem was it had snowed overnight, the lady at work knew this, i had forgotten), "yes I like running in the snow." I said.
Now she wanted to know why I like to run in the snow. I'm deep into the lie and cant back out now so i make it worse by saying, "oh its better for the knees, you see, less impact stress than hard concrete."
Now she's talking about treadmills and elliptical machines, and how if I have a problem with my knees I should try running on a treadmill. This brings us to the second point: It was about this time that I realized she was referring to herself in the third person as "Mommy."
"Mommy gets off the treadmill and some times feels a little dizzy afterward."
"When it snowing outside Mommy run inside on treadmill."
"It's better for Mommy to run at different speeds on treadmill, Mommy gets bored to run so many miles at same speed."
"Mommy tell my husband that he needs to put TV in basement so Mommy can watch TV while running treadmill in winter time."
I was trying my best to keep it together, but then came another zinger.
"You go running in the snow for Mommy again tomorrow?"
"Probably not, it's supposed to be colder out tomorrow morning - you know - ice - never be to careful when its slippery out." I said, wanting to come back to my desk and write this all down before I forgot.
That reminds me of this old commercial with this mom that keeps talking baby talk to her new born and then ends up going out to dinner with her husband and cant turn it off, "This is such a good dinner, yes it is, yes it is, you're a cute one, yes you are, yes you are." Yes - exactly like that.