Ed and I made the trip together to go visit Micah (see Micah's apartment, pictured top right). I'd thought about calling it off due to the weather forecast but Thursday night when I'd spoke to Micah just to confirm the travel plans, Micah says:
"Jen was asking me (Micah) if you (Me) even knew where we lived, so I told her, 'when Raven says he's going to show up - he's going to show up.' Remember that time when we drove all the way to Ann Arbor just to get a beer?"
Destined to make the trip a success, I left work early on Friday afternoon, trying to beat the snow and make it to Kalamazoo - where Ed would drive the rest of the way. The Rabbit was doing great in the salted road slush until I got to Lansing, at this point the salt trucks couldn't keep up with the snow fall and the roads became super sketch. Traffic slowed to 45mph and anyone that passed our slow moving convoy ended up in the ditch a mile up the road, it was icy!
Once in Kalamazoo Ed took over in his A4 (quatro), the snowfall eased up and we made great time to Chicago. By the time we got into town however it was snowing balls again and parking in the side streets was a 4x4 affair. Here's a picture from Sunday morning, most of it was plowed by this point.
We're home safe now dispite additional snow storming on the return trip with more forecasts of snow and some near zero temps looming in for the rest of the week. Can you say, "Enough already?"
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