Friday, January 16, 2009

"DHS raises alert to 'orange' for Cheney hunting trips."

On January 20th Washington DC is going to have a going away party and the poor people of Jackson Hole are getting a new "buddy." Dick Cheney announced that he'll be retiring to Jackson Hole, Wyoming and the locals are pissed. Here's an article from JHUndergroud that's worth a read, especially the comments from the locals at the bottom.

People throw around names like "war criminal" fairly loosely these days, and who am I to stop them. One commenter says, "[...]we could probably make a river of blood for him to fly fish in with all the people who have died from his war that had nothing to do with 9-11 or Osama Bin Laden."

Ironically, that's not at all how Cheney sees him self. "I’m actually a warm, lovable sort," Cheney said during the CBS interview. Bullshit.

1 comment:

milkman said...

Jackson Hole is a totally f'ed up place.

That is all.