Thursday, January 15, 2009

Bad News Everyone

Last year, in May I noticed that the automatic urinal sensors would freak out depending on the kind of shirt you were wearing. Some may recall the blog about this, Some Thesis Ideas.

To my disappointment, today the auto flusher has been replaced with a manual flusher. I was surprised they didn't close the bathroom down while the guy worked on it, out of courtesy for the dude I used a different restroom but some other guy was taking a piss right next to the maintenance man.

The last time I stood in front of the urinal with my black wool sweater was Monday and the stupid thing kept flushing, over and over again while I stood in front of it. Sadly the study is over.

1 comment:

Justin Short said...

Corporate cutbacks affect all of us. I wonder who bought the electric ones from GM, or if the lease ran out. Repo maybe?