Wednesday, February 08, 2006

I Hate Statistics, Episode 1

Ladies and Gentlemen, the story you are about to read is true. I thought about changing the names but decided not to.

This is the class, STAT 371, Probability and Statistics for Engineers. I’m enrolled in the class… I carry a pen.

It was Wednesday, February 08. A call came in for a 10-20464, quiz… Science Hall, room 108. We were working bunko in the back row, taking notes before the quiz. None of it was making sense but I wrote it down anyway – I’m a student – this was a lecture –that’s my job.

The quiz consisted of two questions, each had multiple parts. The first question was straight forward, a real no brainer. The second question was nothing but trouble. I wasn’t the only one that had trouble either, lots of people complained about it. Time ran out and I was unable to finish, I handed in my partially completed quiz. Dr. Wang looked it over and then he engrished, “why you not finish?” and “what so hard about second question, is easy!” When I told him I ran out of time and I still didn’t understand the question he started yelling at me! “is like deck of cards… subset of S… what you not get, I write clue on board!”

I asked him to stop yelling at me and told him as politely as I could that I just didn’t understand the question. He yelled a little bit more, “you need more minutes, I give you a few more minutes, is easy.” Now I was getting mad and I said, “I don’t need more time, I don’t know what to do, but it would be nice if you could explain the solution to me.”

He said no. I’m pissed. Fin.

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