I’d like to know more about
VASCAR and speed enforcement by aircraft. As far as knew it was out dated 1970’s technology and all those sighs on I-25 that read: “Speed Monitored by Aircraft” were just a bunch of malarkey left over from the first time they paved the high way.
I became interested in the current legality of this technique of measuring speed after environmental activist and Fiancé, Chelsie Rollins received a speeding ticket near the boarder patrol check point just north of Las Cruces. The officer that issued the ticket told her that her speed was taken from an aircraft equipped with VASCAR.

If you
Google search VASCAR one of the results is
a manufactures website designed to promote the technology and sell it to police departments. The site claims that: “Police like it because it makes no use of electromagnetic radio waves and radar detectors offer no defense against it.” As I read further in the article I took a double take. Pictured in the article as an example of a speeder being caught by the VASCAR system is a black Corrado! Seriously, see for your self below – I’ve right-click-save-as-blogger-uploadded the pic.
VASCAR is a fancy name for stopwatches and some stripes painted on the road. Really.
Essentially, what they do is watch you drive past Stripe 1 and time how long it takes to get to Stripe 2, then they look up the time on a chart (or pop it into a small computer) and then radio to the officers ahead about your speed.
I've found that this is most effective when the cops sit over bridges. NM cops have tried to use airplanes in the past but the planes have to be so close to the ground that it's terribly obvious what the hell they're doing.
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