One night Dan and I went out for a late night Denney’s session. I brought along a large stack of Calc 2 homework that needed grading; Dan was also grading at the time likely for either an EE or CS class. Coincidentally when we got there Corey and Jason were also there –both of them were grading stacks of homework. Across the way there was another guy grading something else – it was an all out grade fest! Most ironically of it all was that Corey was in the Calc 2 class that I was grading for, Jason was grading a class that I was in, Dan was grading a class that the other guy across the way was in and He was grading a class that Dan was in. Wow, did you get all that?
I’m bringing all of this up because this semester I got a job grading papers again, this time for the Mechanical Engineering department here at NMSU. I’m grading Statics and Machine Component Design. This is exciting because it means I don’t have to take a job working in a kitchen and it’ll give me more free time during the weekends and on school holidays to spend with people I love (ahem, Chelsie). Furthermore it’s a pay raise! Finally, in addition to the grading I may pick up a job as a research assistant working for Dr. Donaldson with the Sandia Forest Fire Burn Research project. Shibby!
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