Maybe if the ad had dudes on it the girls that everyone was trying to meet would join.
As an aside, look at the clevage on this girl (click to enlarge photo) is it photoshopped, or something wierd? I dont know, maybe i'm just tripping.
My name is Raven Rotsaert, and I'm awesome!
Clearly, the girl is the highlight of this advertisement. The ad copy is complete crap, and there's nothing unique about either the message or the messaging. The fact that this girl has almost-assuredly photoshopped cleavage only reinforces the point.
Now, how many women do you know who will respond to a primarily visual ad? I certainly don't--they require a good deal more substance in the advertisement and subtlety in the way it's delivered.
The reason you don't see hunky man shots in ads like this is that women simply aren't interested in ads like that. I suspect that if this site does advertise to women, you'd probably just ignore the ad altogether because it wouldn't look like anything like this one.
On a related note, this is exactly why girl-on-girl movies are located in the "Straight" section of porno shops despite depicting very obviously not-straight ladies.
If there is one thing Dan knows, its porno shop layout.
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