There's a new addition to my familly. The
new addition ships April 9th and comes with Windows Vista. This will be my first non-mac computer... so Dan et. al., I hope you did a good job on this whole "windows" thing.
Oh and last but not least (this post would not be complete with out) - "Dude, I'm getting a Dell!"
Chunky...but cheap!
chunky? what does "chunky" mean... that word scares me a little bit.
The E1405 doesn't strike me as particularly svelte. Something like the Lenovo X60 is, in contrast, a really sexy little machine.
And if those damned VAIOs were reasonable machines (they aren't), then they'd be about the best you could find.
He is saying your computer is a fat bastard.
I'm looking at a 12.1" x60 that weighs in from 2.7(holy feather weight batman) to 3.8 lbs.
But, it seems unfair to compare a 12.1" screen to a 14.1"-er. The R series think pads seem comperable to the 1405 in performance, cost only a few extra bills, and start at 4.5lbs. This is not far off from the 1405's 5.3lb weight.
Ultimatly... it's "potatos" vs. "potatoes" except ther's no 'e' in Inspiron. BTW, where were yesterday before I copped out the $680 bones for the 1405?
True--the Inspiron is the cost-leader here, though. So if you want cheap, you definitely found it.
You sure did haul ass on buying this sucker!
actually i went a whole 8 days with out a computer (internet) at home, from the time the ibook stopped working, till the time i made the purchase.
You'ld of needed esp to guess i'd of gotten anything other than another apple lap top as the replacement. Hell even up untill Monday morning I thought i was going to get another apple.
Yeah, I'm way surprised. What changed your mind?
figure this way i'll have a system thats compatable with engineering software, and the 360.
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