This exerpt from a movie review does it for me:
... a group of randy Texas girls (McGowan among them) fatefully meets a hard-driving stranger named Stuntman Mike (Kurt Russell, enjoying himself immensely). Back-roads mayhem ensues.Go, now. Go see it. Do it.
Its on the list, havent made it yet. Have you seen 300 or Blades of Glory? Both worth going and seeing. I have seen 300 twice now, and I dont doubt that I will go see it a few more times on the big screen
Why do I get the feeling this is going to be just as bad as From Dusk Till Dawn? Aside from the, you know, duct-tape wrapped around the hole-through-the-hand.
dude, From Dusk Till Dawn? the rodriguez segment is Zombie's, not vampiers!
justin, seen those too. Shooter was awesome-er than 300, and blades of glory (although funny) wasnt as good as old school or anchorman.
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