Tuesday, April 17, 2007

I'm an Idiot

Like all bad ideas this last one started out as a good one. I thought I could effortlessly lighten the color of my hair by using "Blonde" shampoo. In retrospect I don't know what I was thinking and fully realize the stupidity of my actions. Ultimately I've even become embarrassed by my purchase and would consider hiding the bottle of shampoo in the event of company.

Last night, I had the thought: I know I'll transfer the contents of the "Blonde" shampoo into my previous (more manly) shampoo container. I dont know what's worse.


milkman said...

If I were you, I'd try to pick up a drug habit to blame that on. I hear PCP is particularly nice this time of year.

Justin Short said...

The fact that I know this means you have told too many people. Delete the post, and may we never speak of it again.