Sunday, April 22, 2007


After much todo and debate I've come to the conclusion that I'm not, in now way, an ipod kind of guy. Fuck it, its not my thing, I'm not particularly hip, and I suck at making my own playlists - inevitably incapable of selecting tracks by myself for myself for what myself feels like listing to.

So for half the price of just the ipod hardware it self (not including the (legally acquired) cost of 40 gigs of MP3's) I've got my self a mad variety of music at the touch of the dial, Sirius satellite radio styles.

Today, after installing the Sirius receiver in the car I started driving around listing to all kinds of channels. I couldn't get enough. And then I realized I was in Alamogordo and almost out of gas, so I filled up at $3.29/gal (fucking useless war on Iraq) and flipped a bitch back to Cruces.

1 comment:

milkman said...

I've never tried satellite radio, but did consider Sirius for a while because it (unlike XM) actually carries NPR. In the end, I decided against it, because the public radio reception both in New Mexico and out here in Seattle was good enough that I didn't need to throw down $15/month to get non-local versions of the same stuff.

How are you finding the mix of stations? The handful of times I've used a Sirius receiver, I've been dismayed to find the majority of the dial filled with top-40 shlock.