Saturday, April 14, 2007


For anyone having second thoughts about seeing the movie Grindhouse, do it. I saw it. It was money. Every second. Warewolves of the SS by Rob Zombie especially won it over for me, and then there were the females, those bitches were smokin!

This exerpt from a movie review does it for me:
... a group of randy Texas girls (McGowan among them) fatefully meets a hard-driving stranger named Stuntman Mike (Kurt Russell, enjoying himself immensely). Back-roads mayhem ensues.
Go, now. Go see it. Do it.


Justin Short said...

Its on the list, havent made it yet. Have you seen 300 or Blades of Glory? Both worth going and seeing. I have seen 300 twice now, and I dont doubt that I will go see it a few more times on the big screen

milkman said...

Why do I get the feeling this is going to be just as bad as From Dusk Till Dawn? Aside from the, you know, duct-tape wrapped around the hole-through-the-hand.

Raven said...

dude, From Dusk Till Dawn? the rodriguez segment is Zombie's, not vampiers!

justin, seen those too. Shooter was awesome-er than 300, and blades of glory (although funny) wasnt as good as old school or anchorman.