I took the day off because I woke up feeling like my face was going to fall off. Really what happened was the AC came on last night before I went to bed and blew all kinds of pollen up ons. I started coughing, sneezing, leaking from my eyes, bleeding internally – you know, the usual. I have speculation that it is the pollen from the Texan Mulberry Tree that’s fucking me up but I won’t know for certain until April 16th, when I go in for an appointment with an allergenist. Even then, I’m skeptical if I’ll really know who/what to blame for this misery.
I’m having a bit of trouble getting used to Office ’07. The problem is the menus are different, so when I go to look for various menu items I realize they’ve gone completely missing and now I have to hunt through the new menus (which aren’t really “menus” so much as they are “tabs”) to find what I want. It’s a good thing I’m computer literate (mostly that is) otherwise I’d probably have to buy one of those idiot guide books or take a community college class just to run a spell check.
Cashews, like goldfish, smile until you bite their heads off. They’re a strange nut in that they’re softer than most – but not as soft as pinon. They’re kind of sweet in taste, but not Kool-Aid (it’s funny how “Kool-Aid” comes up in spell check but “allergenist” doesn’t) sweet – more like fresh snow peas sweet. These are also salty, but that’s only because they’ve been salted. Tasty? I think so.
I hate the anticipation of waiting for things to come in the mail. I’m still waiting on some euro parts to come in the mail. They were supposed to be in about three weeks ago, so every day for three weeks I’ve hurried to the mail box in hopes of two fucking switches and some tail lights. This afternoon: still nothing. Yesterday I did however receive a nice letter from a certain someone, that was nice.
Gah, I’ve got it. Until the parts come in everyone send me letters. Address ‘em to Raven Rotsaert, with the text: “Your parts from Europe still aren’t here asshole!”
I’ve begun what I thought would be a tedious task of ripping my CD’s to the new computer only to discover two (fucking two!) un-opened, never been listened to albums. Imagine my excitement, who even buys CD’s anymore? You know the thing is, because the iBook was so old it wouldn’t authenticate with any of the online music servers and I couldn’t download any new music. I was still out buying albums for $15-$13 at Hastings, when I could have gotten the same thing on iTunes for $10. I do like going to Hastings and buying albums from bands I’ve never heard of, only based on the cover art. I’ll probably continue to do this even though I’m in love with the preview feature on iTunes.
Right now I'm jammin out to some old skool Green Day, with Blink next in queue.
end transmission
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wow I been waitin for 1 week now only on the mail and I feel as tense as hell, I can imagine wat ur going through lol...
I love ur sense of humor..
You send me your address and I'll send you some snail mail. It'll be my delight to call you an asshole through the USPS :p. But, I will expect something fantastic in return!
dude... try to read that in under 30 seconds and breath only once wheal reading it. thats one funny rant.
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